How We Can Use Water Resources Optimally?

It’s easiest for Boss Defrost to find data for communities here in Colorado because that’s where Boss Defrost was invented, is assembled, and from whence it is distributed. All the data points to one certain fact: our human population is growing and development is increasing here in Colorado and across the United States. For example, here in Colorado, some of our communities have “build out dates,” which is the date when a construction or development project reaches completion. The build out date for Aurora, Colorado, a community whose diversity and growth attracts newcomers and keeps locals in place, is 2050; Colorado Springs’ build out date is 2070. Denver is already at capacity and considering residential zoning conversions from single-family to multi-family to accommodate population growth. This will all happen within our lifetimes – and all those folks need clean, fresh water. At Boss Defrost, it’s compelling to ask

for a sustainable future. We’re committed to addressing the enormous water waste stream created when thawing frozen food with running water. Millions of gallons can be saved for this single task alone, preserving water stores for what matters most.


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